Juls Rich
4 min readApr 20, 2022

“This thing all things devours — birds, beasts, trees, flowers.

Gnaws iron, bites steel, grinds hard stones to meal.

Slays kings, ruins town, and beats mountain down.”

-J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

Time is a tyrant! It is the implacable despot that limits our significance! Its power brings about decay and desolation. From the moment we are born, we start racing against time, because it never stops! When we are kids, it is a bully, standing in our way and stealing our fun. When we are adults, it is an oppressor, overwhelming us with duties and filling us with anxiety. And when we grow old, it is a thief, robbing us of our strength, diminishing our prospects, and instilling in us nostalgia and regret.

But there is another side to that coin…. Time is also an altruist! It is the generous benefactor that grants us the ability to achieve a meaningful existence! Time allows us to push the boundaries of knowledge, so that we can make discoveries, use our creativity, and transform the world. It serves as a frame for our history, empowering future generations to surpass us. Ultimately, time is the reason humankind can flourish and endure.

Time is defined as –

“The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.”

-Oxford Languages

Time may have dominion over us, yet it cannot be defined apart from us. We are engaged in an eternal dance with time! On one hand, time is only relevant because of our presence in this world. On the other hand, we can only experience life because of its continual progression. We are destined to be dance partners until the music stops. Therefore, we should endeavor to have a brilliant performance!

Life is more beautiful because it is ephemeral, making time our most coveted asset. We are constantly contriving new ways to save time. Since we have an impending expiration date, we are driven to find our calling. We wish to be of consequence, to impact the world around us. We aspire to build a legacy and be remembered after we are gone.

“Time and tide wait for no man.”

-Geoffrey Chaucer

Unfortunately, the tyranny of the urgent often prevents us from executing our plans. There are responsibilities to be fulfilled, problems to be solved, and relationships that require our care and attention. Since time is the currency of life, we always stay busy. A birthday comes, followed by another, and our objectives begin to look too far away to attain. In some ways, aging can make us feel disheartened. But growing older has its advantages. With the years, our talents and wisdom also multiply. Time supplies the means for us to realize our dreams.

Life is an unpredictable journey, a road with many turns. Some of the turns are hidden, so we end up missing them. Other turns are too tight to maneuver, and nearly force us off the road. We barely manage the uphill struggles, and the sudden drops frighten us to death. Nevertheless, there are long stretches of straight road to encourage us along. Whether pleasant or not, every step forward brings us closer to our destination. Thanks to the contribution of time, with perseverance, we can reach out target.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

-George Santayana

In order to press on towards our resolves, it is helpful to pause and evaluate the past. There are defining moments, which leave indelible marks in our hearts. Those points in time become a part of who we are. However, if we carry unresolved feelings into our future, it will affect us in a negative way. Our advancement may very well depend on our making peace with our past. For some people, it may only require a visit down memory lane. For others, the process may be longer and more involved. Regardless, it is crucial for us to understand that the past cannot hold power over us without our consent.

Time delineates our lives and outlines our story. It provides us with a beginning and an end. We have no control over the initial characters and setting, nor can we avoid the appearance of conflict. Yet, the plot is entirely up to us! We can set the tone for its unfolding, if we focus on the theme — our aim and intention — which is reflected in our choices. Therefore, we should write an ending for the unfinished chapters, prepare a good scheme for the next few, and overall, consider the ending we want for our story.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”

-C. S. Lewis

Time is of the essence! We should not waste it by lingering in the past. It is good to set our sights on the future and to seize the life we desire for ourselves. Acquiring our aspirations may be a daunting task, but it is well worth our efforts. Every moment counts towards procuring our happiness. As we evolve, we become better equipped to undertake the challenge. it is never too late!

Every sunrise brings with it the promise of hope. We should invest our passion, skill, and grace furthering our purpose. As sure as there is a sunrise, there will be a sunset in our lives. Our substance will be revealed through the records of our timeline. Our choices, as we use our moments, will extend our message to the world. Therefore, let’s make the most of today! Life is a magnificent adventure, and it rides on the wings of the Pegasus of time.

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

-Mother Teresa



Juls Rich

I dream & write poetry. I question & write essays. I feel nostalgia & write kids’s books. I live & I write. #writing2inspire